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Dynamic Photo HDR

WebSite X5 is a completely visual software: it does not require any HTML programming skills and it is the ideal tool for both home users and Web Designers who want to create and publish high quality websites with a professional look and feel. When compared to previous versions, WebSite X5 Evolution is now completely renewed: creation of XHTML codes, new gallery of predefined graphics models, internal editor for photographic retouching of images and the personalising of banners, tools for creating e-commerce shopping baskets preprepared for credit card use, secure areas with multiple user profiles, introductory pages with language selection links, Feed RSS, etc.
Many times you see a beautiful scene and of course you snap a picture! The result is often far from being the magical scene you carry in your head. Our eyes are very adaptive and they are also more sensitive to intensity than color. It is estimated that our eye can see over a dynamic range of nearly 24 f-stops while a digital camera can capture a dynamic range around 6 to 9 f-stops. The High Dynamic Range Imaging is a set of techniques that has been developed nearly 20 years ago to overcome the limitations of electronic devices by combining multiple exposures into one great looking image. A HDR photography can be created by taking few photos with different exposure, then combining them in the software into a high dynamic file. The last thing is to tone-map the HDR image so we can see it in our screen, print it, post it on the web and enjoy. We created our software to be very enjoyable, fast and straight forward. No fiddling with incomprehensible parameters. And as it is common for Mediachance products we added many cool new inventions that you may not have seen yet in any other package.
